Thursday 8 March 2007


The 1st-winter Scaup that's been hanging around my local reservoir for a couple of months now is really beginning to chill out. First of all it stayed determinedly in the middle, like any self-respecting sea duck should, as far from passersby as possible. Now, now it's happy to roost in the day with the Tufted Duck and Pochard right under the hanging trees of the bank.
I'll be sad to see the bird go. Okay, he's a bit scruffy, still striking though.

Not a bad bird either, to say the reason I went there was to walk my baby niece.

Tetchy Robin.

Amorous Cormorants.

Hoped for some early hirundines over the water, House or Sand Martin, none yet though. Probably for the best in retrospect, it's still chilly out there.

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