Sunday 9 September 2007

Owls of Intrigue

Nipped down at last light to King's Mill Reservoir this evening, wondering what might turn up in the roost. Recently a 1st-year Med Gull has been reported, which poses both a nice tick and an ID challenge in a gull roost of a few hundred BHs. No luck tonight, and none earlier in the week.

What I did find on Friday in good light was a Tawny Owl leaping away from Barn Owl bridge. This was surprising first because obviously Barn Owls are associated with it (since they bred there), and I've never seen Tawny Owl around any manner of concrete or rock artifice - certainly never heard of them roosting in man-made structures. The whole thing is puzzling to say the least.

I'm left to hypothesise that the Tawny was attracted to the activity of the Barn Owls, particularly since I saw a Barn Owl back at the nest site this evening. Some Tawny behavior is still little known, indeed it wasn't until relatively recently it was documented that they caught fish, so who know what else they could get up to?
What I am certain of is that I saw something special.

Tuesday means an ABB event for me at Carsington this week, so expect a post.

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