Also today, BBC Radio 4's Today programme featured - at 7.46am if you want to listen again online - a piece about the RSPB worrying that migrant birds are outstaying their welcome and threatening native species such as the sparrow [by competing with them for feed].
The report explains that the RSPB will now send out traps to everybody who took part in the Big Garden Birdwatch (all 400,000 of you, well done!) to catch the foreign finches and return them to their native country - Denmark. One of these traps is named the 'Moggy' and is apparently very effective at taking wild birds.
(Another link the story can be found - here.)
Other bird news today includes dazzling footage from a new BBC series about evolution, which shows footage of a recent discovered colony of flying Penguins. Stunning stuff.
Okay, fair cop, let's check today's date. How fascinating it is though that birds should feature in two big April Fool's jokes this year. I think we expect to be amazed by them, and as fanciful as they are, there's the truth in these stories. It's birds being brilliant again folks!
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good points and the details are more precise than elsewhere, thanks.
- Norman
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